"Come, Holy Spirit" // An Evening Service Series

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We are really excited to be hosting an evening service series! Every Sunday between 13th October and 1st of December (8 weeks!) we will meet to worship in Victory Memorial Hall at 6.45 (for a 7pm start) to explore who the Holy Spirit is, how He works through us, and how we can partner with Him to bring God’s Kingdom here on Earth.

These services have been put together for the Kingdom Vineyard church family, especially for those who are new to us, or new to the Vineyard, or who haven’t heard much teaching on the Holy Spirit. That said, anyone from any church (or none!) is really welcome to join us as we delve into this topic together, so please do invite and bring friends!

The talks have been crafted as a journey so we really recommend coming to as many as you can! See the titles below!


Fast & Pray // Monthly Prayer Meeting

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On the first Monday of every month we gather to pray for our church, our community, and our world. This coming month we also invite you to join us as we fast for 24 hours, beginning Sunday 6th October at 8pm. We will then meet to pray together in the Vineyard Centre at 7pm (rather than 8pm!) on Monday 7th October. At that point we can break our fast, so feel free to bring a sandwich or a light snack.

In addition to fasting just for the sake of the Lord we are also continuing to press in to God regarding the uncertainty of our building. Fasting is a spiritual discipline where we willingly deprive ourselves of something we have come to rely on, so that we might lean all the more upon God. We know from scripture that dedicated times of fasting together can break down strongholds, and see the release of God’s promises.

If fasting food is for any reason not sensible for you, then we would love you to consider fasting something else such as social media, caffeine, television, etc.


Worship Circle // Sunday 6th October

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We'd love anyone who is passionate about worship to come along to our worship circle.

Whether you are learning to play an instrument and looking for somewhere safe to play with others, an accomplished musician, or simply fancy joining us in singing together, we'd love to see you at our next Worship circle.

All you need to bring is any instruments you want to play and your own self. We use this environment to learn new songs, learn how to play better together, and also to simply make a joyful noise to God!

6th October // 7pm // Victory Memorial Hall


Reading with the Spirit - September

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Last year we worked through the bible in a year, this year we're still reading Scripture, but in an entirely different way - using an ancient spiritual practice called Lectio Divina.

This involves taking a short passage (approx 10 verses) and reading it slowly, prayerfully and repeatedly. We're not trying to analyse or understand, but instead we're inviting the Holy Spirit to use the words of Scripture to speak to us, today.

Lectio Divina isn't reading Scripture for information; it's listening to God for our transformation.

As before, daily posts will appear on our facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2072806539642564/) with a passage of Scripture we can all use together.

For those not on facebook, a monthly post here will go up including the readings for that month. See August’s below and pick up a flyer with lectio divina instructions at the noticeboards on a Sunday morning.

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Reading with the Spirit - August

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Last year we worked through the bible in a year, this year we're still reading Scripture, but in an entirely different way - using an ancient spiritual practice called Lectio Divina.

This involves taking a short passage (approx 10 verses) and reading it slowly, prayerfully and repeatedly. We're not trying to analyse or understand, but instead we're inviting the Holy Spirit to use the words of Scripture to speak to us, today.

Lectio Divina isn't reading Scripture for information; it's listening to God for our transformation.

As before, daily posts will appear on our facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2072806539642564/) with a passage of Scripture we can all use together.

For those not on facebook, a monthly post here will go up including the readings for that month. See August’s below and pick up a flyer with lectio divina instructions at the noticeboards on a Sunday morning.

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Sunday 28th July - Giveaway


This Sunday morning we are doing something a little different. We will not be meeting for a service but going out to give people around St Andrews and Cupar a small gift of chocolate buttons. In doing so, we hope to bless people with a touch of God’s radical, self-giving generosity.

If you want to join in, please sign up via the link below.


Reading with the Spirit - July

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Last year we worked through the bible in a year, this year we're still reading Scripture, but in an entirely different way - using an ancient spiritual practice called Lectio Divina.

This involves taking a short passage (approx 10 verses) and reading it slowly, prayerfully and repeatedly. We're not trying to analyse or understand, but instead we're inviting the Holy Spirit to use the words of Scripture to speak to us, today.

Lectio Divina isn't reading Scripture for information; it's listening to God for our transformation.

As before, daily posts will appear on our facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2072806539642564/) with a passage of Scripture we can all use together.

For those not on facebook, a monthly post here will go up including the readings for that month. See July’s below and pick up a flyer with lectio divina instructions at the noticeboards on a Sunday morning.

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Prayer Meeting

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One of our key values in Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe that everything we do needs be covered in it and we highly value creating space to listen to God and his leading.

Our monthly prayer meeting is time to just that. It will be on Monday 1st July 8-9pm in the Vineyard Centre. Please join us as we gather to spend time with Jesus and cover the work of God in the church and East Fife in prayer. We would love to see you there!

ALL IN : Summer with Kingdom Vineyard

This summer we are going ALL IN for Jesus, growing together in community, faith and mission. We'll look up together - worshipping God and learning more about Him. We'll go out together, to serve our community and demonstrate God's love and we'll gather in together, to have fun and rest as family.

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Sunday 30th June

This will be the first of our 3 “look up mornings” where we will have a family service. The kids will be up stairs with us and will be involved in all aspects of the service.

10:10am in the Victory Memorial Hall

Sunday 7th July

On our first “reach out” morning we will be heading out on a family friendly prayer walk to love and bless our community. More specific details coming soon!

Sunday 14th July

After going out we are going to gather in and have a family picnic in Craigtoun Park at 10:30am so bring a blanket and some food! This will be a time where we can really rest together and invite our friends to come along too!

Sunday 21st July

On the 21st we will come back together for another family service! This time it will be in the Vineyard Centre at 10:10am.

Sunday 28th July

Our second reach out even will involve going out on the streets and blessing out community by giving out small treats just to love them and brighten their day! More specific details will come soon!

Sunday 4th August

This gather in Sunday will be at Victory Memorial Hall where we’ll have Cafe Church. This is where we set up the hall with tables and indulge in bacon baps and pastries! Come along and invite your friends to have a free breakfast and chill out with some lovely people.

Sunday 11th August

This Sunday will end our summer programme and will the 3rd family service back at the Victory Memorial Hall at 10:10am! Where we will end how we started- looking up to God, worshipping and learning about Him!

We are really excited about all these event this Summer! Keep an eye out for more specific details that will come nearer to the time of each event!

Kingdom Vineyard Pastoral Assistants – An Update!

As many of you know, over the last year we have been blessed with our incredible Pastoral Assistant, Caitlin. Caitlin has been absolutely smashing it in her role these past months, leading her Homegroup alongside the lovely Morag, transforming our KV social media hubs into beautiful masterpieces, organising loads of super-Jesus-filled events for us to enjoy, and way more stuff that most people don’t see, but keeps KV running smoothly!

The super fun news is that this isn’t the end of all the fun Pastoral Assisting stuff!

From July this year, as well as 12 more glorious months of Caitlin’s service to our church (YESSSSSSSSS!), we are also super happy and proud to be taking on Alastair as another Pastoral Assistant - #doubleblessed! Alastair will be focussing a lot on Worship training with our wonderful Worship Pastor, Jesse (if you haven’t been in worship when Al’s been leading before, you need to, it’s already lit), as well as receiving theology and preaching training, and doing all kinds of other fun stuff that will no doubt make us drop everything to throw up our hands to say thank you Jesus AGAIN for the awesome people He’s given us! 

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And as if that wasn’t all, both Caitlin and Alastair are giving up their time for the next year to work for Kingdom Vineyard, full time, for free. They’ve decided to invest in building God’s kingdom, and growing personally with God, and have given up a year’s income to make it possible. 

We as a church and family are so impressed, and so excited to see what the Lord has planned for these two throughout the next year, and we are so blessed to be able to support their growth through these Pastoral Assistant programmes. In order to do this, however, it does mean that we have to raise some money to cover some of their costs.

Alastair & Caitlin are raising the money that it will cost Kingdom Vineyard to train them, to take them to the events and conferences that will grow them (as well as benefit the church!), and to cover some of their living expenses whilst they’re working for us. For a year’s worth of Caitlin & Alastair’s time, and the training to support them whilst they serve us, it will cost Kingdom Vineyard £3,400 and £3,700 respectively, on top of our normal church running costs. We honestly believe they are well worth the investment.

If you feel a nudge to contribute to these two lovely guys’ funds, or even just would like a nosey at how they’re doing, or their testimonies on why they’re choosing to bless us with their time and hard work next year, you can visit their give.net pages here:

In the mean time, Jesus is Lord, how lucky are we?!


Songwriters' Showcase

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Over the last year, worship leaders in the Kingdom Vineyard have embarked on a journey of writing songs for congregational worship. We'd like to share these brand new songs with you in a relaxed setting, where we'll play our songs and tell the stories behind them, while also sharing our vision for what we believe God wants to do with songwriting in a local church context.

The event is on Saturday 18th May at 7.30pm in the Vineyard Centre.

All are welcome to come and share in this evening of celebrating what God is doing through our music!


Prayer Meeting

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One of our key values in Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe that everything we do needs be covered in it and we highly value creating space to listen to God and his leading.

Our monthly prayer meeting is time to just that. It will be on Monday 6th May 8-9pm in the Vineyard Centre. Please join us as we gather to spend time with Jesus and cover the work of God in the church and East Fife in prayer. We would love to see you there!

Easter with Kingdom Vineyard


Easter is fast approaching and there is lots of different events going on during Holy Week.

Thursday 18th April : Maundy Thursday Meal & Ministry

Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples so, on Thursday 18th April at 7.30pm we will gather as family and share a meal together in the Vineyard Centre. We will also spend time taking communion and praying for one another. 

Due to capacity of the Vineyard Centre it is essential that you book to let us know you are coming - to reserve a spot email supper@kingdomvineyard.com and let us know about any dietary requirements!


Friday 19th April : Good Friday Pilgrimage Walk

The churches of St. Andrews have organised a pilgrimage walk beginning at 4pm leaving from St Mary’s Quad. The walk will stop at different locations around the town with short reflections that follow Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Friday 19th April: Good Friday Reflection Service

Easter is fast approaching and we think it is important to spend time reflecting on the events of Good Friday before we can fully experience the joy of Easter Sunday.

On Friday 19th April at 7pm we will have a short service in the Vineyard Centre with a time of worship and a reflection on the cross. The end of the service will lead straight into our 24 hour prayer event which you are warmly invited to stay for.

For more details about 24 hour prayer and to sign up for slots follow the link to the event - https://www.facebook.com/events/612791759194303/

Reflection Service // Friday 19th April // 7pm // Vineyard Centre


Friday 19th April 8pm - Saturday 20th April 8pm: 24 Hour Prayer

One of our key values at Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe it’s the wellspring of all God’s work in and through the church. And so, we want to set aside a space and a time during the weekend of Easter, where we can focus on just that: praying.

We’ll be hosting 24 hours of prayer starting Friday 19th April at 8pm at the Vineyard Centre following our Good Friday Reflection Service.

Everyone is welcome to get involved, and we’d love this to be a time where people from all different churches pray together for God’s work in and around the town.

If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to see you, and you can use the following link to sign up for a slot:



Sunday 21st April: Sunrise Service

The churches of St. Andrews have organised a sunrise service that will take place at St Mary’s on the Rock at 7am.

Sunday 21st April: Kingdom Vineyard Sunday Service

Join us from 10:10am for our Easter Sunday service in the Victory Memorial Hall

Sunday 21st April: Kingdom Vineyard Baptisms

Following our Sunday service we will be heading down to Castle Sands for baptisms! If you are interested in finding out more about being baptised, email office@kingdomvineyard.com

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Prayer Meeting

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One of our key values in Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe that everything we do needs be covered in it and we highly value creating space to listen to God and his leading.

Our monthly prayer meeting is time to just that. It will be on Monday 1st April 8-9pm in the Vineyard Centre. Please join us as we gather to spend time with Jesus and cover the work of God in the church and East Fife in prayer. We would love to see you there!

Welcome Lunch


If you are new to the church we would love to invite you to a FREE welcome lunch to find out more about who we are, what we do and give you a space to ask any questions that you have.

We'll me meeting on Sunday 10th March at 1pm in the Vineyard Centre (62a Largo Road, St Andrews, KY16 8RP) and a couple leaders will be walking down from the Victory Memorial Hall after the morning service!

24 Hour Prayer

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One of our key values at Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe it’s the wellspring of all God’s work in and through the church. And so, we want to set aside a space and a time where we can focus on just that: praying.

We’ll be hosting 24 hours of prayer starting Friday 8th March at 7pm at the Vineyard Centre. Everyone is welcome to get involved, and we’d love this to be a time where people from all different churches pray together for God’s work in and around the town.

Our focus will be on praying for and resting in the presence of God.

If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to see you, and you can use the following link to sign up for a slot:


Worship Night

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Worship is the highest priority in the Vineyard, so we are having a night completely dedicated to praising Jesus together!

Our worship night is on Saturday 23rd February beginning at 7pm in the Boys Brigade Hall.

This event is open to everyone, so come along, invite your friends and let's worship our wonderful God!


Prayer Meeting

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One of our key values in Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe that everything we do needs be covered in it and we highly value creating space to listen to God and his leading.

Our monthly prayer meeting is time to just that. It will be on Monday 4th February 8-9pm in the Vineyard Centre. Please join us as we gather to spend time with Jesus and cover the work of God in the church and East Fife in prayer. We would love to see you there!