Fast & Pray // Monthly Prayer Meeting

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On the first Monday of every month we gather to pray for our church, our community, and our world. This coming month we also invite you to join us as we fast for 24 hours, beginning Sunday 6th October at 8pm. We will then meet to pray together in the Vineyard Centre at 7pm (rather than 8pm!) on Monday 7th October. At that point we can break our fast, so feel free to bring a sandwich or a light snack.

In addition to fasting just for the sake of the Lord we are also continuing to press in to God regarding the uncertainty of our building. Fasting is a spiritual discipline where we willingly deprive ourselves of something we have come to rely on, so that we might lean all the more upon God. We know from scripture that dedicated times of fasting together can break down strongholds, and see the release of God’s promises.

If fasting food is for any reason not sensible for you, then we would love you to consider fasting something else such as social media, caffeine, television, etc.