ALL IN : Summer with Kingdom Vineyard

This summer we are going ALL IN for Jesus, growing together in community, faith and mission. We'll look up together - worshipping God and learning more about Him. We'll go out together, to serve our community and demonstrate God's love and we'll gather in together, to have fun and rest as family.

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Sunday 30th June

This will be the first of our 3 “look up mornings” where we will have a family service. The kids will be up stairs with us and will be involved in all aspects of the service.

10:10am in the Victory Memorial Hall

Sunday 7th July

On our first “reach out” morning we will be heading out on a family friendly prayer walk to love and bless our community. More specific details coming soon!

Sunday 14th July

After going out we are going to gather in and have a family picnic in Craigtoun Park at 10:30am so bring a blanket and some food! This will be a time where we can really rest together and invite our friends to come along too!

Sunday 21st July

On the 21st we will come back together for another family service! This time it will be in the Vineyard Centre at 10:10am.

Sunday 28th July

Our second reach out even will involve going out on the streets and blessing out community by giving out small treats just to love them and brighten their day! More specific details will come soon!

Sunday 4th August

This gather in Sunday will be at Victory Memorial Hall where we’ll have Cafe Church. This is where we set up the hall with tables and indulge in bacon baps and pastries! Come along and invite your friends to have a free breakfast and chill out with some lovely people.

Sunday 11th August

This Sunday will end our summer programme and will the 3rd family service back at the Victory Memorial Hall at 10:10am! Where we will end how we started- looking up to God, worshipping and learning about Him!

We are really excited about all these event this Summer! Keep an eye out for more specific details that will come nearer to the time of each event!