VPA Update - Lizzie

This week we took time to chat and check in with Lizzie to hear about how her year as Voluntary Pastoral Assistant is going!

Click the button below to find out more about what a year as a VPA could look like!

How is it going?

Things have been going really well in my VPA year so far! I have enjoyed getting involved in many different types of activities as part of my year, from planning events to meeting up for one-to-ones, to learning about how to use presentation software. It is definitely fair to say that no two weeks are the same!  

What are you really enjoying?

I have really loved my specialisms: worship and youth work. Having the opportunity to train people and come alongside them as they develop their skills, whether in music, tech or leadership, has been such a delight. In addition, getting to be part of creating a community with our young people has been a real honour. I absolutely love getting to know them, hearing their thoughts and being part of their faith journey at whatever stage they are at. Working in the office is also so much fun. We cry with laughter most days!

What is a standout highlight?

Watching what Jesus is doing in the lives of our young people. I love seeing him meet with them powerfully, whether they always know it is him or not. It has been great to witness them connecting with him and with each other more. I leave most of our youth nights on cloud nine!


What have you learned about Jesus so far?

The endless depths of his kindness and gentleness. The way in which he slowly pursues each person and calls them to himself, but only at a pace comfortable to them. In the midst of difficult situations that have come up this year, these two stand out as the characteristics of Jesus I have been most impacted by in the last few months. 

What are you looking forward to in the final few months of your VPA?

Travel! I am going to several conferences, including the worship retreat and the Youth Weekend Away in the coming months. In addition, I will also be heading to other Vineyard churches around the UK to learn more about how they run their worship and youth ministries and gain different perspectives on how to run these ministries well. Big thank you to KV for giving me all these opportunities to learn and grow!