Welcome to St. Andrews

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It’s that exciting time of year again where the students of St. Andrews flood back to town and we welcome a whole bunch of new people into our church family!

If you are coming to St. Andrews for the first time this year then we’d love to welcome you! We have created a page on our website just for you - click here to have a look!

We also have a couple of Welcome Events coming up to give you the opportunity to meet us, here a bit about who we are and what we do, and ask us any questions you have!

They are on Sunday 6th and Sunday 13th September at 2.30pm. Click here to register and get the zoom link!

We are really excited for you to arrive and are praying for the transition to St. Andrews. If you have any questions for us do come along to one of our welcome events or drop us a line at hello@kingdomvineyard.com