Sunday Service Venue Update

Our Sunday services are temporarily moving to the Town Hall, on Queen’s Gardens!

VMH is about to have a bit of a refurb so we need to move out and make way for that to happen.

Our first service in the Town Hall is this Sunday, the 28th May. Aside from the venue change, it'll be same time, same coffee, same donuts.

Hope to see you there! (10:10am, Town Hall, Queen’s Gardens)

Youtube Services Update

If you’ve been following Kingdom Vineyard over the past year, you’ll know we’ve been meeting in-person on a Sunday morning as well as recording those services and uploading them to YouTube for anyone not currently able to join us in the room.

For the last couple of months, we’ve been struggling to manage all of the required processing and editing of the videos. With Jim & Rachel going on sabbatical and the influx of new and returning students, we’ve made the difficult decision that we no longer have the capacity to record and upload our services.

We’re really sorry not to be able to offer this point of connection going forward - we’re sad at the thought of letting anyone down, and have recognised that connecting with KV through our services online has been of real value to those who haven’t been able to be with us physically on Sundays. It’s been a reluctant but necessary decision to manage what we’re able to do.

For anyone looking to be part of an online church gathering on a Sunday morning, our friends at Catalyst Vineyard in Aberdeen have an online service every week and we think it’s excellent. You can find them here:

If you’d like to be part of Kingdom Vineyard but are unable to attend in-person events for any reason, please do get in touch with the team by emailing so that we can support you in any way we are able.

Jim & Rachel's Sabbatical!

Dear KV Family,

Jim reminded us a few weeks ago that we (Jim and Rachel) will be starting our 3 month sabbatical at the beginning of September. We’re looking forward to taking some time away and spending quality time with Jesus, with each other, and resting, but we’ll of course really miss the KV family while we’re away!

We’re so very blessed to have a great staff team and lots of lovely volunteers to keep things running smoothly while we’re not here: we’ve got Jesse looking after our admin and worship, Caitlin running communications, Lucy overseeing Storehouse, Allene running kids and youth, and Hannah working as our Voluntary Pastoral Assistant.

We’re confident that the team will work really well together to keep everything ticking over nicely, and we’ve also asked Caitlin to chair our staff meetings to make sure we’ve got someone to steer things.

While we’re away, (and while we’re here, in fact!) all of those lovely team members will be available to you if you’ve got any questions about their respective areas, so, do please feel free to get in touch with them. And if you’ve got a general question, you can email and one of the team will get back to you as soon as they’re able.

We would also be really grateful for your prayers for our time away, so if you think of us over the months of September, October and November, please do pray for us!

God bless you all, and we can’t wait to be back with you in December!

Love, Rachel & Jim

We're moving! (from Sunday 3rd July!)


Since we started up in-person services again in June last year we have been meeting in Holy Trinity Church. Victory Memorial Hall (our pre-covid venue) has been busy serving St Andrews as a walk in COVID test centre. We’re so grateful to Holy Trinity for welcoming us into their beautiful building for initially evening services and more recently afternoon services.

That said, we are really excited to announce that Victory Memorial Hall (VMH) is reopening in July and so we’re moving!

We’re are moving to VMH and we are moving to morning services!!


Victory Memorial Hall

St Marys Place

St Andrews, KY16 9UY

We’re so excited for this move especially to meet in the morning again. The next two Sundays we’ll be in Holy Trinity Church (19th & 26th June) at 2.30pm and then from 3rd July we’ll be in VMH from 10:10am!

Can’t wait to see you!

VPA Update - Lizzie

This week we took time to chat and check in with Lizzie to hear about how her year as Voluntary Pastoral Assistant is going!

Click the button below to find out more about what a year as a VPA could look like!

How is it going?

Things have been going really well in my VPA year so far! I have enjoyed getting involved in many different types of activities as part of my year, from planning events to meeting up for one-to-ones, to learning about how to use presentation software. It is definitely fair to say that no two weeks are the same!  

What are you really enjoying?

I have really loved my specialisms: worship and youth work. Having the opportunity to train people and come alongside them as they develop their skills, whether in music, tech or leadership, has been such a delight. In addition, getting to be part of creating a community with our young people has been a real honour. I absolutely love getting to know them, hearing their thoughts and being part of their faith journey at whatever stage they are at. Working in the office is also so much fun. We cry with laughter most days!

What is a standout highlight?

Watching what Jesus is doing in the lives of our young people. I love seeing him meet with them powerfully, whether they always know it is him or not. It has been great to witness them connecting with him and with each other more. I leave most of our youth nights on cloud nine!


What have you learned about Jesus so far?

The endless depths of his kindness and gentleness. The way in which he slowly pursues each person and calls them to himself, but only at a pace comfortable to them. In the midst of difficult situations that have come up this year, these two stand out as the characteristics of Jesus I have been most impacted by in the last few months. 

What are you looking forward to in the final few months of your VPA?

Travel! I am going to several conferences, including the worship retreat and the Youth Weekend Away in the coming months. In addition, I will also be heading to other Vineyard churches around the UK to learn more about how they run their worship and youth ministries and gain different perspectives on how to run these ministries well. Big thank you to KV for giving me all these opportunities to learn and grow! 

VPA Update - Maddy

This week we took time to chat and check in with Maddy to hear about how her year as Voluntary Pastoral Assistant is going!

Click the button below to find out more about what a year as a VPA could look like!

How is it going?

My VPA is going really well. I can’t believe that I’m already nearing the end of my time. Due to the pandemic and my VPA being broken up into two chunks, I’ve gotten to experience everything from how to do distant church and working from home to how to re-establish our kids and youth for in-person meetings. The VPA has been great for trying lots of new things and getting opportunities to lead different projects. I have truly loved my time, and I’m sad that I’ve only got a few months left!

What are you really enjoying?

I’ve really enjoyed the diversity of the work. Throughout a month, I’m likely to be involved in planning and researching things for the church, prepping kids materials (aka crafts!), running events, and lots of learning opportunities. I love the mixture of doing and thinking, especially since I had come from a research masters where all I did was the thinking. 

What is a standout highlight?

One of the standout highlights has been the youth group. We have had a great couple of years for our KV Youth Group and especially now we are meeting regularly again. Every time I serve on the youth team it has been such great fun and a blessing. The overall highlight was taking our youth group to the Dreaming the Impossible festival in the summer. The festival was really good fun and several of the young people had a real meeting with Jesus - woop!

What have you learned about Jesus so far?

One of the things that I’ve learned about Jesus is a deeper understanding of what Paul says in his letter to the Phillipians, “I can do all things through he who strengthens me.” I have learned how to look to Jesus and how to praise God in all circumstances. Throughout my VPA, I’ve tried things that were outside my comfort zone and I’ve done things that didn’t work out to plan. I’ve also led things that went better than expected and have gotten to do things that I really love and enjoy. In both the good and the difficult, I’ve had Jesus and I’ve tried my best to keep my eyes on him and thanking him along the way.

What are you looking forward to in the final few months of your VPA?

In my final few months I’m really looking forward to two things. First, we have a handful of conferences planned, and I’m really excited to gather again to worship and learn with believers from around the country. Second, I’m going to do outreach projects to connect with new people and hopefully introduce them to Jesus. I’m excited to see what God is going to do through this!

Sunday Service Update

In light of Omicron and rising case rates, we're going to be taking a few extra precautions at church this Sunday. 

 The Church of Scotland, and therefore Holy Trinity church are moving back to 1 metre distancing, so we're going to do that as well. 

Of course, this has some knock-on effects for the rest of our meeting, and means we won't be able to mingle either before or after the service. You're still very welcome (and encouraged) to turn up any time from 2:30pm and you'll be able to chat to those sitting near you until the service starts. And then when the service finishes, we'll need to have everyone leaving the building in a way that maintains that 1 metre distance.

 We're also going to need to stay in our seats for ministry time, so, as we were doing a couple of months ago, we'll be leading a short time of prayer from the front, and people will be invited to receive in their seats.

Of course, this isn't the update we were hoping to send you the week before Christmas, but as always, our main priority is to keep everyone as safe as possible.

We will record the service as we do every week and so for anyone who would feel more comfortable staying home this Sunday, you'll be able to watch the service on YouTube from the middle of next week all being well.

Please know that we are praying for you all, for any anxiety you might be feeling and for the ache we all feel for "normality". God bless and protect you and your families.

With love,

Kingdom Vineyard Team

Advent and Service Time Change

Advent will soon be upon us so we’re gearing up for the festive season here at KV.

First, an exciting announcement! We are changing our service time!
From the first Sunday of Advent (28th November), we'll be moving to afternoon services. Everything else will stay the same, but we'll be meeting from 2:30pm for a 3pm service, in Holy Trinity.

We're so excited that this year, our walk through Advent will be based on one of Shin's new pieces of art (,

It's also a really special time to be inviting people to church - so, from Sunday 14th Nov, we'll have invitation cards for you to take away and give to people (with Shin’s art on the front!) We really encourage you to start thinking about who you can be inviting even now!

Advent Services:

28th November - Waiting: Advent and what we’re longing for

5th December - Wonder: Advent and the invitation to wonder

12th December - With us: When God chooses to be with us

19th December - Deliver us From Evil: The hope in the advent story

We’re so looking forward to spending this advent season together!

Sunday Service Livestream Update

Hi everyone,

We wanted to update you all about our livestreaming of Sunday services. If you’ve been trying to tune into our stream over the last few weeks, you’ll probably have noticed that we haven’t managed to get it to work every week.

Because of our struggles with the tech, and never being sure whether it will work or not, we’re going to try recording the service to post on YouTube as early as we can the following week, instead of livestreaming. This unfortunately won’t be quite as good as being able to watch from home in real-time, but we hope this will be easier to do every week and therefore be a bit more stable and avoid the last-minute disappointment of not being able to stream.

Thank you all for your patience as we work out how best to do church services at the moment, and a big shout out to our tech team who have done an amazing job of getting everything set up for us every week. And whilst talking about the tech team… if you’d be interested in joining this lovely bunch of people and serving on the tech team, we’d love to hear from you! You can email help@kingdomvineyard and someone will get back to you.

KV On An Adventure! - Sunday Services in October

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The reality of using a beautiful venue that isn’t our own for our services is that other people want to use it too. That means that this month we’re going on an adventure for our worship services!

Sunday 10th October

Beach Service & Baptisms | 10:30am | East Sands

We are so excited to (weather permitting) be holding an open air service on East Sands on Sunday 10th October.!! We’ll gather down on the Leisure Centre end of the beach for a shorter service that will include baptisms in the sea!

What to Expect:

  • Cold weather!! (so bring layers, hot water bottles are encouraged!)

  • Bring something to sit on

  • Mask wearing when singing, but can be without a mask at other times

  • Baptisms will be happening so come ready to celebrate those taking this step!

  • Did we mention layers?

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If the weather calls this service off, check our website, check our social media, check your emails. We’ll put it out through all channels.


We’ll also be collecting donations for Storehouse for the Giveaway Day happening on Tuesday. We’d be so grateful if you could bring some items along! Click here for more information and a list of what is in need.

Sunday 17th October

Evening Service | 6pm | Boys Brigade Hall

Back to evening service but this week, at the Boys Brigade Hall! This service will look very much like our services at Holy Trinity just at the Boys Brigade Hall!

Sunday 24th October

Evening Service | 6pm | Holy Trinity Church

Back to Holy Trinity on the 24th for an evening service! For more information on what this looks like, click here.

In-Person Gatherings Update

Hi everyone!

We've got some exciting updates for you today about our return to in-person gatherings! You can watch the video below for all the details or, if you’re more of a reader, the video script is below!


We've got some exciting updates for you today, so we thought we would make this little video to let you know what's coming up. We're really delighted to let you know that as we head into September, we're going to be having some more regular in-person events.

Firstly, and our biggest piece of news, is that from Sunday 5th September, our Sunday services will be held in-person, at Holy Trinity, every Sunday evening. We've held a couple of evening services at Holy Trinity over the summer and we're really looking forward to them becoming a regular thing: these will be our main Sunday service. That means our final Zoom service will be on Sunday 29th August and from the week after that, we'll be meeting weekly at Holy Trinity at 6pm.

We're really looking forward to these regular in-person services, but we know that there might be some people who don't feel quite ready to come along for a variety of reasons, and so we're going to do our very best to livestream them to make sure the whole KV family can join in.

After a long 17 months of almost everything we've done being online, this feels like a huge step. Doing church on YouTube and then Zoom has certainly had its challenges, but we've been so grateful to have had ways to connect and worship together while we've not been able to be in the same room together. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has served in some way to make our online services possible, and to our church family who have stuck with us and been patient with us as we've worked our way through varying restrictions and ways of doing church. It's been such a gift, but we can't wait to start seeing you all more regularly again.

We're also going to start meeting in-person again for our prayer meetings, both monthly prayer on the first Monday evening of every month, and midweek prayer, every Wednesday afternoon. Both of these will happen at the St David's Centre from the beginning of September.

Our KV Kids and Youth team are working on plans for some in-person family events, and there will be activities for kids during our in-person evening services at Holy Trinity, so please do bring the whole family along!

As always, we'll be keeping our website and social media up-to-date with everything we've got going on and with details of all our events, so do keep your eyes on those to see what's coming up.

That's all for now, but thanks for watching, and we are SO looking forward to seeing you soon!

KV @ Holy Trinity

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We’re so excited that, after over a year of meeting online only, we’re starting to work towards holding in-person services again. To begin with, we’ll be holding a series of evening services at Holy Trinity church. The next one is on Sunday 11th July at 6pm for a 6:30pm start.

We can’t wait to gather as many of our church members as we can in one place after such a long time of worshiping separately in our own homes!

Because we want to keep everyone safe, this service will, of course, look quite different to the services we held on a Sunday morning before Covid, so we wanted to let you know what you can expect if you join us. Click the button below to find out all about the service and how to register to attend!

April COVID-19 Update

Last Sunday Jim & Rachel shared a small COVID update about what our thinking is at the moment. If you missed it, here it is for you to watch. In short, for now we are keeping our Sunday Services on zoom and are actively looking at how we can begin to offer some in-person events whilst keeping everyone safe. As always, we will keep you up to date with any changes!

Easter 2021

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Easter is fast approaching so here’s all the information of what we have in store!

Good Friday Reflection Service

We think it is important to spend time reflecting on the events of Good Friday before we can fully experience the joy of Easter Sunday so on Friday 2nd April at 7.30pm we will have a zoom service with a time of worship and a reflection on the cross. The link to the service is here.

Easter Sunday Service

Sunday 4th April // 10:10am // Zoom -

On Easter Sunday morning we’ll be having a zoom service! Join us from 10:10am to catch up in small breakout rooms and then the service will begin at 10:30. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and a doughnut if you have one and let’s celebrate the risen Jesus together.

The Big Church Zoom Service - Starting Sunday 17th Jan

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For the next few weeks, while restrictions are so tight, we're changing the way we worship on a Sunday morning, starting this Sunday. You can find us here:

With the fast-changing restrictions, we as a team have felt the need to simplify what we do on a Sunday morning, to make sure it's sustainable for however long it needs to be, and flexible, so that we can carry on whatever the restrictions may be, as well as making sure we're doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.

So, rather than our service happening on YouTube, for the next few weeks we'll be meeting on Zoom at the same time of 10:10am for chat and bring-your-own coffee and donuts and the service beginning at 10:30am. There will still be a service leader to guide us through, a time of sung worship, a sermon and an opportunity for prayer ministry at the end. So really, we're just changing the platform, but this will make a big difference to us as a team in terms of preparation time and being able to share out the workload more than we've been able to with YouTube.

The best thing about moving to Zoom is that we'll all actually be able to see each other's faces on a Sunday morning!! It will never be the same as all being together in a big room, of course, but we take what we can get in these times. I think it'll be lovely to be able to see others worship as well as encourage our preachers with all of our smiling faces!

The reason we have preferred to use YouTube for so long is to give absolutely anyone the chance to come and try out church, and we want to keep our 'digital front door' as open as possible, even as we move to Zoom for the coming weeks. So, if you've a friend or family member you'd like to invite, or who has been joining us on YouTube but we haven't met them yet, PLEASE do encourage them to come along, we'd so love to meet them, and we know for sure that they'd be so blessed to see all of you.

So, to get practical: 10:10am starting this Sunday for BYO coffee and donuts, 10:30am service starts, and you can find us here:

Thanks everyone for going with us as we try and navigate this covid-caused-carnage, it's a privilege to still be able to worship with you through it all, and we look forward to seeing you all on Zoom this Sunday morning.

New Service Model Postponed

Due to the most recent Scottish Government guidelines we are no longer able to go ahead with our onsite service launch on 17th January.

We are of course hugely disappointed as we were so looking forward to them but our priority remains keeping everyone safe!

For the time being our services will go ahead as they have been with a Sunday Morning Livestream on our youtube channel at 10:10am and we'll be revisiting our onsite service plan when it is safe to do so!

We love and miss you all!

KV Goes To Cause To Live For

"Join us online this November for a gathering of your generation, to be inspired and propelled to extend God’s Kingdom wherever you are sent. Whether you feel fired up and ready, weary and tired, or stuck and confused, come as you are and discover what God is inviting you into."

The Cause To Live For is the Vineyard Uk & Ireland's annual event for those in their 20's and 30's. This year it's happening Friday 20th- Saturday 21st November and due to COVID-19 entirely online and for FREE.

We always find that the highlight of these events is the opportunity to connect with each other and pray for one another, so even though it's all digital, we still want to "go" together" and so we'll be having some zoom hangouts and prayer ministry over the weekend to really facilitate that community.

We'd love for you to come, all you have to do is sign up at and then join our facebook group where we'll put all the links and keep you up-to-date on the different things happening!

If you’re not on facebook but would like to be in the loop about all things happening, contact Caitlin at

Newcomers' Event

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If you have joined us recently or looking to find out about Kingdom Vineyard, you are so welcome!

We are having a Newcomers' Welcome Zoom on Sunday 22nd November at 2.30pm. It’s an opportunity for you to meet us, and hear more about who we are, what we do and what our story is from our pastors, Jim & Rachel.

It's also a great time to bring any questions you have, and we will do our best to answer them!

If you're interested in attending, register here.

Upon registration you will receive an email back from is including the link to join the call on Zoom.

Monthly Prayer Meeting

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One of our key values in Kingdom Vineyard is prayer. We believe that everything we do needs be covered in it and we highly value creating space to listen to God and his leading.

Our monthly prayer meeting is time to do just that. Please join us as we spend time with Jesus and cover the work of God in the church and East Fife in prayer.

Join the Zoom call from 7:45pm for an 8pm start on Monday 5th October with this link: