JOHN 15:4-11
How do we find joy through Jesus, particularly in chaotic times?
How do we find joy through Jesus, particularly in chaotic times?
Love entails sacrifice and suffering, as well as great joy.
Advent as a story of hope because God chooses forgotten, ignored, ordinary people to be part of His glorious kingdom.
Ministry as part of ordinary life - you are not defined by what you do, but by who you are while you do it.
Morag shared the stories of Anna and Cynthia. Two women who know the Scriptures, know their God and know it's their job to tell people about Jesus.
Like the hero of Hemmingway’s story, “The old man and the sea”, Simeon was an adventurer and a tenacious adversary; but his adventure takes place in a different medium, navigating not the sea but the Holy Spirit.
Lucy takes a pause from our series in Luke to look at how, as a whole church, we are being invited to press more into prayer. We are invited to reflect on who it is we pray to and what that means for how we should pray. Prayer is an engine room for the church, and, it needs to be for this church too. We’re being invited to put more coals on that fire!
Reflecting on Jesus’ birth can help us to understand the ways of God’s kingdom.
God is faithful to save His people. He raises us up from sitting in the shadow of death and into His light. He then sends us out with life-giving purpose, to serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness. What does that mean and what might all that look like for us today?
Morag continues our series in Luke, exploring through the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, how God meets our everyday ordinary, with His everyday extraordinary.
Mary’s song is a combinataion of personal praise and hope for the coming Kingdom. It gives us a beautiful example of worshipping in all circumstances and holding to God’s promises with confidence that they will come to pass.