Our Values

We value prayer as the wellspring of all God’s work in and through the church.

We value the Bible as the church’s primary source of God’s revealed wisdom.

We value worship as the over-arching purpose of our whole lives and of our meetings.

We value everyone equally whatever their age, background, status and gifting.

We value mercy (even above being right!)

We value the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our meetings.

We value the poor.

We value other churches and denominations.

We value people above programmes.

We value every opportunity to extend the Kingdom of God.

We value effectiveness: if it works we’ll do it again, if not we won’t.

We value meeting in small groups for relationship and accountability.

We value meeting in large groups for encouragement and celebration.

We value social meetings as well as “spiritual” ones.

We value every gift of the Holy Spirit.

We value personal spiritual disciplines such as fasting, silence, solitude, study etc.

We value growth and change, and see church-planting as the most effective way of expanding God’s Kingdom.

Above all, we value Jesus Himself, whose church this is.